


田瑞静1 ,宋洋2

1 吉林大学 经济学院,长春 130012; 2 吉林大学 经济学院,长春 130012;)


关键词:电子商务 经济转型 实地调研

The Rural Economy in Liaoyuan City is Realized by ElectronicCommerce Type of feasibility study

——A Case Study of Shuangfu Village in Liaoyuan City

Ruijing Tian1 ,Yang Song2

(1 School of economic,JiLin University of China,ChangChun 130012;2 School of economic,JiLin University of China,ChangChun 130012)

Abstract: With the development of the Internet, e-commerce is booming. Using rural e-commerce to find rural economic transformation is feasible? Firstly,this paper finds out the factors that affect the development of e-commerce in rural areas, mainly according to Mu Yanhong et al. (2016) pided the influencing factors into five aspects: infrastructure, external environment, endogenous forces, e-commerce platform, supply and demand. Secondly, the questionnaire and field research are usedto collect the data,and the data are analyzed. The feasibility of economic transformation in Liaoyuan's rural economythrough the analysis of the feasibility of developing e-commerce in Shuangfu Village. Finally, the conclusions and policy recommendations are drawn.

Key words: E - commerce economic transformation field investigation

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